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I have a very clear understanding of the Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics thank you very much, and I don't need bold to point it out.  What I'm saying is that provided this very mainstream interpretation of quantum physics is true at one point a "coin was tossed", splitting up two groups of universes, those with and those without a God.  This universe could either be in the group with or without God.  Have fun finding out.

And don't tell me you've never doubted being an atheist, cuz I've doubted God enough times in my life and all I have to risk by believing in him is that when I die I cease to exist.

I'm not a fanboy, I just don't enjoy dual analog control.  It's d-pad or wii-mote for me.

the conduit has changed the way wii play games.

I know.  I'm sick of the puns too.