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Badassbab said:
Kasz216 said:

Also, as for the  losers...

In every case America and Sweden look like losers... because they either look like successful vindicitive dicks... or really incompetant vindicitive dicks.

But others would argue the losers are Wikileaks and Assange, since he is the one who is being hunted, demonised and Wikileaks being attacked by way of withdrawing services and malicious hacks etc. To some including the US administration they are winning in their quest to destroy Wikileaks and it's founders. So you've just given us your opinion, not hard facts.

I'm sorry, demonized by WHO.

The only people who have been demonized by this affair is the people who accused him of rape.

Which is how it works in 90% of rape cases if you haven't noticed.