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Honestly most of the Universities I want to attend cost like 40K per course. Thats really high and I believe I heard it was cheaper to go to school in the U.K. If you want a good education at a prominent school you have to pay for it. Yes I think prices internationally are far to high but heck these schools charge for their repuations and credability.

I could take a similiar course at a community college for about 10-20K but it wouldn't be the same quality and I probubly wouldn't find a job.

Honestly I gave up on school, wanted to major in buisness and marketing, or game development. But have come to the realization if I failed the course I would never be able to repay the loan. I just don't have enough faith in myself to risk failing. Also with the buisness degree what could I do? If I couldn't find a good job I'd have to start a buisness something I've always wanted to do but then I'd be out another 40k or so and man I'd be digging out of debt the rest of my life.

My mom took out a 45K student loan and finished school in the early millenium. She's been working for years at 32K a year and she still hasn't repaid her loan. I don't want to be in debt most of my life thank you. So no loans for me.

When I can make enough to pay that tuition then I'll go back to school. But I'm not going to gamble with tens of thousands of dollars. Especially in a recession with many high qualified people being jobless.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer