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Well, this thread has made me confirm some things.

First, people in the western world(Its the only one i actually know to say this), have slavery as something evil since it goes against freedom and the belief that every man is born the same and is the same, that is something that countries like France and the US made kind of general. To reject even discussion about this topic, the things that have been said to the TC, etc... help to confirm that these beliefs are strongly held by modern societies. 

Second, the belief that men have rights that belong only to them and we have these rights from the moment we are born is something that when you ask why? they say thats because these rights, like freedom, are something that is given to you just because you are human. If you look further, Ive been told that this comes from religious points of view of life where god creates us all the same.

So, if you are christian, this explains it all and thats the way you should think. If not, then you have to take an economical, political and sociological view of the subject to get to a conclusion. Im not a believer but I consider slavery as something that I really dont like, as I think that its something wrong, being raised like I was.

I do think we have to respect human rights like liberties but I have to say that I often find few reasons why these things are the way they are, like I cant think of 2nd generation rights, like education to be something that you have to have just because you are human as its something thats dependant on economy and the state you live in and their ability to give it to you, though I think it would be awful for some states not to give these kinds of warrants to their citizens. In the end I think of it like the organization and a convention that we, western world and the countries and ideologies that are similar, have chosen, so something like slavery would just go in the wrong direction from our point of view, making it something wrong.

Going back to slavery, Roman empire had slavery as a very important part of their economy, so when they adopted christianity, a religion that was against it, it brought a change that you could say did them wrong in the economical sense. They had to rely on slaves to keep working their fields, and they were really important, so loosing that, made it really hard to sustain, and its considered one of the many reasons the power of the roman empire was weakened way before thay were beaten. This makes you realize the importance of adopting one system over others and how this discussion is so immportant.

Im very opened to discuss anything, even a thing like slavery, I think discussions makes us better prepared to make future changes and I dont like it when a topic like this one is dismissed simply because it goes against our points of view, so I have to say I like this type of threads even though I do not aproove slavery.

Im not a native English speaker so forgive me if I made some mistakes in the post xD