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There is actually a rumor going on that it is not coming to 360:

Thus occasionally pops the game again in our radar: LA Noire. The new franchise from Rockstar is still much nevelen shrouded in thick, but we have some rumors on the net that caught us to share with you.

The game will be a free-roaming game in a setting of the Los Angeles of 1947. For the atmosphere was right to get the city historically accurate, and has developer Team Bondi even a costume designer deployed to the clothing as accurately as possible. The game will be a Main know, but also side-missions. Mostly based on newspaper reports of real events from 1947. In addition, there is a major role for a Marine road from the US Navy.

LA Noire according to these rumors will also not be exclusive to the PS3, but certainly will not appear on X360 the game would be too big

PSN ID: clemens-nl