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I'm not going to vote. Instead I will waste my time on the view about slavery.

Is Slavery right or wrong. It has similar implications about the concept of pre-arranged marriages. The individual in question has no choice and must live by certain standards. Essentially in the case of marriage it is mild form of slavery to both individuals. Most people on this forum come from a society were slavery is hammered as wrong. Again and again. Over most of our lives we are force to learn that freedom is right, follow our dreams and Slavery is abhorrent and essentially evil.

There is much to back up this view where slavery is wrong. There are periods of time where Slavery has been abused and has indeed been wrong. North American Slave trade, British Slave Trade so on etc have had abusive slave systems. In these cases you owned the person mind, body and soul. The slave was worth nothing.  This abusive treatment has brought about that slavery = evil and freedom = pure good. Maybe it's true. By all means i'm not one for slavery and given a real vote by the government would vote against it. However in perspective slavery is still rampant around the world. Of course they are in a variety of forums and often illegal and over looked. That's where the focus on this is.

Various countries run Slavery illegally under the noses of the government. There are slave trade organizations that run around the world. Even in Europe and North America. You can read up on stories about travelers or even civilians abducted into the underground slave market. That's probably the problem. Once in the underground market anything is allowed. Similar to the prohibition era of the USA where alcohol was illegal. It didn't stop and instead was operated by crime cartels. It was big money and was not regulated.

There have been points in history where Slavery was sanctioned by the ruling government(if government is what you could call it). In these points of time Slavery has it's up's and downs. In the downs it was horrible. However it's up times were a different matter. There were laws that protected slaves. You could not abuse them, mistreat them, kill them. You have to provide adequately for them. If you could not afford to maintain a slave or if they were abused it was considered illegal and the slaver owner would be punished... with a fine(not much of a punishment really). There was also the stigma of being an abusive slave owner. If you mistreated your slave you were view poorly by your pears. There was also laws in place where slavery was only a term of service. You would sell yourself or family into slavery services for a period of defined years for a loan. These situations had far more control over your own term. What we often however hear about our the Criminal/War Slaves. The ones who became slaves because of crimes they committed. Just remember the rights in Guantanamo bay. They don't have any. 

Modern media reinforces the element that slavery of all types are bad. but in arranged marriages is it always. True the couple don't fall into a "love" for each other, but often these marriages fair better than the those with the freedom to choose. Is that bad? is it bad that there is a higher chance that  children in arranged marriages will live in a stable household than say North America and it's high divorce rate? of course arranged marriage and slavery are not the same. And to a large extent they are not. But both comes down to lack of freedom of choice and expectations from family, friends and culture. When a culture and peers say it's ok to abusive then it's a horrible thing, but when there are government regulations, expectations and culture pressure to be on the better behavior; is it all that bad?

Is slavery bad. I would like to say yes, but am I saying yes because I've been programmed to say yes by the years of forced media? or am I saying yes because I have formed my own opinion based on facts and research? because i'm not so sure if some one else is saying yes for me because I'm told to say it.

So as I always say. Your opinion should be defined by personal research of multiple sources rather than those of the media. Finally. Is it a good idea for our society to invoke slavery based on our current crisis. FUCK NO. There is an easier fix than massive regulation.

I'm done with the topic. I've expressed my opinions. It's a longer read than the usual 1 sentence to 1 paragraph post. So like the internet. I don't care about your opinion, but I will abandon the thread :) 

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.