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As much as I wish for a new Zelda I doubt there will be an announcement this year, maybe next year but don't bet me on this. I just doubt it, because I guess they are concentrating on new IPs/reestablishing old ones. Their Main-Franchises always take quite a lot of time to be announced unfortunately (except handheld ones). But time will tell and if there will be a sequel anytime, I hope it will be as MrPickles stated, because since I saw the first release of the wiimote (Forgot which show it was at), the first thing in my mind was: Oh my god, link 1:1 swordfight, second was: Oh my god, 1:1 lightsaber xD. But as usual, Nintendo never really rushed games out, they take a lot of time and so I guess 2009 earliest announcement and then still 1-2 years until release -.-... But I wish you guys are right :)

“And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.” -Terry Pratchett