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Rob-Ot said:

I agree they shouldn't have recycled the same things and left out some plot info in the datalog. Why they made such rookie mistakes I do not know. I have heard rumor's of a FF13-2 and you know what I want it to happen. Toriyama and his team doesn't deserve to make FF15, they had their chance with FF13 and for me blew it, FF13-2 is their chance to redeem themselves and fix the mess that they created, especially because it was mess made out of something that could've been much more. FF13-2 won't sell based on its name as FF13 got a mixed response among public, the team will have to make the game good for it to get a good word of mouth and sell well (make a profit etc). So I actually hope they go on to make a FF13-2 so that they can redeem themselves because I am sure they are not satisfied with their final product after reading the developer gaming article. Whats your opinion on this?

As far as i'm concerned, i dont want to see FF15 handled by this team. since FF7, we've had 2 production teams, i think its time we gave the 2nd team a chance to do FF15. if Kitase and Toriyama want to do FF13-2, thats fine, i wont be getting it anyway. but it gives the people who like FF13 a chance to see what happens next.

i havent read the developer gaming article, i have read the postmorterm, maybe its the same thing?? i think they will do FF13-2 because FNC was meant to be a huge compliation of games, i dont think they'll throw that plan away even if a lot of people dont like FF13.

i think it will depend on The 3rd Birthday as well, and how its recieved. but as far as i'm concerned, they dont deserve the chance to work on FF again, unless they can prove themselves with FF13-2.