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I consider myself more of an Agnostic. I think having certainty that no higher power created all of this is just as stubborn as certainty that there IS a God.

While I do think there is some higher power or force beyond our comprehension, I see what people consider "god" as nothing more than a higher "order" of laws and powers, not as some human-like being that feels or makes concious decisions. And I certainly don't believe this figure watches over everything you do and has a list of 10 commandments that you must follow.

Indeed, there are ENDLESS forces beyond our comperehension, and we are merely dumb fish in a fishbowl swimming around, unaware of 99% of what is going on around us. But I don't believe this higher power is what we precieve it to be, which is a simplified human-like figure looking down on people.

People think that God created humans in his own likeness. The irony is that in reality humans created God in THEIR likeness.

I understand why some people believe in God, and it's for a good cause; they want to believe there is a father figure out there protecting them.

Furthermore, they wish to believe that this father figure rewards for good deeds and punishes bad. And THIS is the primary reason I WANT to believe in God, but my logical self says no. However, I do believe in karma to a degree, and if you have karma existing, you don't necessarilly need God for this purpose.