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Look Legend you are acting childish. The Rich are Rich for one of two reasons. They achieved that wealth through hard work and blood, sweat, and tears; they inherited that wealth from someone who did. Who are we to punish those people for their achievement? We are not entitled to their hard work. We should not punish people for making the money to buy 3 houses and 5 SUVs.

The illegal immigrant issue is another talk altogether. There are many problems needing to be fixed on that front. And Washington does NOT want to fix the current problem. They have again refused to build the border fence to secure America. They took the money appropriated for the fence out of the omnibus budget TODAY! F*** those bastard politicians. I WANT MY COUNTRY SECURE FROM A BLATANT SECURITY HOLE! IT IS THEIR JOB TO ENSURE TO PROTECT AMERICA AND THEY ARE REFUSING TO DO IT! ..... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10..... ok.... sorry but that is a sore issue for me. Pray do not bring it up again.

I want my WHOLE paycheck! I support the Fair Tax!