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Kasz216 said:
benao87 said:
Kasz216 said:

Me... I would turn myself in.  Either way it'll take months because he's fighting the extradition (I don't see why though, since if innocent the worst he has to fear is being sent to the US to be found innocent.)

Hell, even if he's guilty and found guilty, lots of people won't believe it and he can play the "political prisoner" card.  While if he's found not guilgy he can play it harder whether he was guilty or not.  He's got to do but gain... and considering how impossible it is to prove rape, let alone convince a jury even if you have evidence... I don't see the conflict.

He was denied bail by the way because he's an extreme flight risk.

What if the guy is innocent, and 'found guilty'?

We are all working on assumptions, and none of us really know nothing, besides the fact that this guy is a pain for the US government.

I do find interesting your sense of justice. In this kind of situations I don't give these people the benefit of the doubt,  thats why I think it was prudent that this guy hasn't turn himself until today.

Well, rape cases have less then a 10% conviction rate... and only a 2% false convcition rate.  Though it does happen occasionally, someone being convicted and falsey accused of rape is about as statistically unlikely a situation as you can get.

Honestly, the few cases where people have falsely been accused of rape, it's pretty much always been due to racism(white woman, non-white man) or the person already having a previous rape charge on him, and he didn't comit that particular rape.

As such, I really don't think I'd have anything to fear.   Besides, the maximium sentence for rape in Sweden is 6 years... and if he was really just accused of "not using a condom" it'd be 6 months in jail or a small fine.

Sex with no condom:

It's pretty known that the swedish system is a laughing stock.

The fact, that one of the women threw a party for him after the "rape", and the other woman bragged about having sex with Assange is pretty telling. Both women also said it was consensual sex.