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If you look at the time period after the Wii launched, even with two very strong holiday seasons from the Xbox 360, the Wii outsold the Xbox 360 and PS3 combined and had some units left over.

Wii production levels have finally been increased significantly, putting the Wii in good position to reach 50% of the market in 2008. As the Wii approaches 50%, the PS3 can approach 25% of the market as its market share catches the 360 (assuming this happens). In 2007, the 360 just slightly outsold the PS3. I think we'll see that reverse in 2008. Perhaps the PS3 will eclipse the 360 by 1 or 2 million. The 360 had two consecutive years of selling about 7.5 million units plus more than a million in 2005 for its launch. Perhaps the 360 will break that mold and sell 8-9 million units next year.