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Mr Khan said:
Kasz216 said:

Hell, ever work with people you dislike at a job you've worked at?  Or went to school with someone you disliked?

Do you think it'd be easier if you told them to their face you thought they were an asshole?  Or do you think that might hurt the ability to foster communication?

It's like the airing of grievances from Festivus from Seinfeld, something i've always thought would be a neat idea but no-one else has ever agreed with, and probably for good reason. I don't tell my boss she's very scatterbrained, and she doesn't tell me whatever negative things she may or may not have to say about me


Anyway, he's apparently seeking asylum in Switzerland now

I think it'd be a great idea too, but truth is, most people are too sensitive for that, and basically all governments are.  

I see that Wikileaks released a list of the locations of  Vital US national secuirity intrests too.

I'm sure that REALLY needed to be leaked for the wellbeing of the world.  Where all the US' important communication hubs and workers and such are.

There is no real useful reason for leaking it.  Outside of giving terrorists a check list.   It's why just dumping all this info is just reckless and stupid.