Since when has FF been a franchise known for legs?  (barring VII) Even then XIII..." /> Since when has FF been a franchise known for legs?  (barring VII) Even then XIII..." /> Since when has FF been a franchise known for legs?  (barring VII) Even then XIII..." /> Since when has FF been a franchise known for legs?  (barring VII) Even then XIII..." />
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darthdevidem01 said:
lowFullScreen" value="true" />

Since when has FF been a franchise known for legs?  (barring VII) Even then XIII is showing legs 3 times better than XII.

Quite a margin? by like 7K...which isn't much.... definitely not "quite a margin"

Last week FFXIII outsold DQIX BTW....this week DQIX has shot up though.

Not to mention DQIX is *still* being advertised on TV with Jedward commercials in the UK.

Well you don't get the point. I'm not saying DQIX will outsell both versions of FFXIII LTD, just that it has better legs. A DQ game that has better legs than a FF game in the West is something very unusual and that you can't denied. It shows that FF franchise is becoming less popular (at least not at the same level as FFVII nor FFX) while the DQ one is becoming more popular (best selling game in the series!). Also, you won't find this game in a bargain bin.

And yes 7k is definitely ''quite a margin'' considering we are talking about JRPG's legs. So in the end if we have to be ''amazed'' by the sales of a JRPG this gen, it should definitely be by DQIX, not FFXIII.