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Well I played it today at HMV, barely anyone played it and those who did grew bored of it pretty quickly, myself included. I personally felt that I was driving a lumbertruck rather than a BMW Z8 or w/e I was driving. I've played Forza 3 too and I admit that I didn't like it too much either, when it comes to being more unforgiving, GT5 definitely prevails.. But when it comes to damage GT5 fails miserably, I am not sure whether it improves or not but at the stage I was playing, flying all over the place, crashing into walls etc, my car did not even seem to scratch..

Also, saw the first advert on TV today, if I am honest, it was pants. 2nd week sales? I personally don't think they'd be anything amazing.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.