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Kasz216 said:
Games4Fun said:

If they honestly wanted to stop the leaks they could have. They are using this as a big distraction to cover up something else, or they wanted this out for some other reason.

How could they?  It's not like Wikileaks is the only one with this info, they passed the info along to a bunch of wikileaks "friends" too, so that if Wikileaks gets shut down for good the files could be unpackaged and spread.

Stopping this info from leaking is basically like trying to stop software piracy.

Once info hits the net you are out of luck.

It would have been stopped before the actual leak of info to anyone and none of us ever would of known someone tried to pass on classified information to try and get out to the public.

I do agree thier is  noway to stop it now. Actually thier was no way to stop it once the public heard about it. If they had killed the people everyone would have thought much worse was hidden.

Im not saying im 100% right. I just had a talk with a respected professor for a bit on this and this is what I told her. Well actualy i said dont you think.....? She agreed she thinks things have been leaked before to serve as a distraction away from other events.

Think of it in away of UFO's. The goverment let that be thought and in many cases went a long with it. It served as a distraction and still does for many classified programs.

Its a slight of hand? If I said that correctly.