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Kasz216 said:
Farmageddon said:


Not gonna quote anything, I mostly agree with you, but I think you may be a bit extremist or maybe passionate about this feminist/rape thing.

Do you think it's just as bad if you forcibly rape someone (withouth a condom) as if you "simply" deceive them and don't use a condom? I'm by no means saying the later is acceptable or anything near it, but I think there's a difference. Do you?

Also, is it normal for the Interpol to look for this kind of thing? I'm really asking as I don't know.

Anwyay, what I really wanted to say and my point on you being a little over board was that, yeah, it's kind of hard to convict for rape on these cloudy situations, but you can't really go all out and simply punish the guy by default. The way it is some women you abuse it (it's not most cases, I agree). If it was actually easy to convict it would happen a lot more, and that would really, really suck.

It's also completly against the well respected principle that you can't convict someone of a crime unless there's really good evidence, the whole burden of proof thing, etc, that's in place for any other kind of trial. These things just can be really nebulous by their nature but your approach seems to be the wrong one. I'm all for equality, but reversing the burden of proof in something this shady (not this specific case) is all but equality.

Edit: Oh, I do find the UK thing funny. There, I made an on-topic comment :P

Just as bad?  Of course not.  It's still rape though and a serious crime that should be punished.

I'm not asking he be "punished by default".  I'm saying that he should stand trial.  While everyone else is crying setup and that he should elude the authorties... based on very average circumstances and onesided leaks from his Lawyer.

Heck we don't even know if that's all he was charged with.  I've just been giving him the beenfit of the doubt and picking the "least bad" thing he could of been charged for.  The offical warrant reads Rape, Molestation and unlawful sexual cooercition.

That it's soley a condom issue is just his ex-laywers stance... and likely not the case since if it was.. Sweden couldn't extradite, cause the penalty isn't large enough.  

The ONLY offical report we have is some of the leaked police reports which say that consented sex became unconsented during the encounter. 

Sorry, I miss-read you before, so most of my post makes no sense :P

Yeah, well, I mostly agree with you. I could see thought, guilty or not, him being kind of scared to shit.

sapphi_snake said:
SamuelRSmith said:

She didn't get pregnant.

Well, he must be a very sensitive guy then...

LOL! I'd be as mad as I've ever been, and that's quite a lot :P

Also, it's quite understandable he'd be scared about it happening again, and that sucks. Oh, and you have no idea of the situation. He probably had no idea for a while if she just got pregnant or not. Now that sucks. Also what if he actually, you know, trusted the girl, adds even more to the first point. If you think it's just a "my bad" thing, really.

But yeah, this is all really off topic,it should just be dropped here.