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NJ5 said:

Maybe a different thread should be created for the rape stuff.

Seriously....while it is a serious accusation, it has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of the leaked cables.

I for one am excited to see our politicians scrambling like this.  Makes me laugh on the inside.  Here's that open government Obama said he'd give us, shows us how open he really wants it to be, huh.

Also related, now PayPal has shut down WikiLeak's account.  It's sad to see prominent companies bowing to political pressure.  WikiLeaks is doing nothing illegal; you don't see them shutting down NY Times for the same thing.  These documents were given to WikiLeaks, it is therefore their right, under the first amendment, to publish them if they choose - a right which has been upheld in the past by the Supreme Court.

Of course, these companies are free to do business as they choose, just as WikiLeaks is free to distrubite the documents.


EDIT: Upon further study, the publishing of classified documents was never actually declared legal by the Supreme Court.  However, it is MY personal opinion that it is their right to free speech to publish the documents.  Many people, both regular people and legal experts and judges, would agree, as many surely disagree.