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A203D said:
The Xbox Man said:

You can't just make up expectations of a company based on what you saw of the hype, their expectations are what they give out (6 Million), PS3 and Wii fans keep saying this when I say some of their first party games disappointed in sales (Modnations Racers, Killzone 2, Monster Hunter Tri), they say they matched the companies expectations so I am "trolling" if I say they disappointed ins ales, same should apply to FF13. Massive launch events? I know every Final Fantasy has had them, I remember my friends going to the FF12 one in London, Wada was there.

Like i said, imo. 10 mil is about what was sold for FF7, i i've read somewhere that FF10 was meant to meet that success, it didnt, and i think based on all the things i mentioned, like scrapped development on the PS2, massive campagain, advertising with Leonia Lewis, brand new game engine etc. i think they did all those things so they could meet the sales of FF7.

Wada is very ambitious, he wants SE to be a huge worldwide company, hes talked about this before interviews, and the way they were trying to target the western market, by comparing FF13 to things like Lost or Call of Duty, seems to me like they wanted it to be the biggest FF and they wanted to meet the sales of FF7.

this is the rational behind my thinking, i havent just pulled this figure out of the air, i think FF13 was meant to be the best selling and the biggest FF ever, the hype around it was massive!!

Its not a matter of opinion, this isn't a subjective topic. The company quoted they expect 6 Million sold, there's nothing more to it than that.

The hype around previous Final Fantasy titles was just as big, FF8 and FF10 has more hype, back then a lot of the media and mainstream public still cared about JRPG's. The hype for FF13 isn't as big as you think it was.