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To be honest, I've only become a real PlayStation fan in the past several years.  A got the original PlayStation pretty late in its life, simply because it was cheap and my best friend had one.  I was Nintendo-only up until that point.  I then got a PS2 around 2001, because it was *the* console to get.  Even then, all the system was to me was the system that all the games were coming out on and that all my friends had.  Beyond that I didn't know much about it.  Hell, I thought Dynasty Warriors was the best game on the system for its first few years.

It wasn't until rumors of 7th gen consoles first started to surface that I started looking more into the industry.  By the time the PS3 was announced, I had realized that most of my favorite PS2 games were published by Sony (Shadow of the Colossus, Jak & Daxter, Dark Cloud, Sly Cooper, and later God of War, which I didn't get a chance to play until after the PS3 launched, though I wanted to earlier).  My favorite non-Sony franchise from the PS1/2 was Metal Gear Solid, which has been just about PlayStation exclusive from MGS1 on PS1 up until MGS: Rising.  So Sony's games plus MGS basically made me a proper PS fan, and my fandom has only increased this generation, as I've gotten to play awesome new IPs like LittleBigPlanet, Demon's Souls, and Uncharted, which happen to be my three favorite new IPs this gen, listed in order of preference.

At this point, I consider SCE's development operations to be second only to Nintendo, with the two kinda leapfrogging back and forth from year to year (with Sony coming out on top mainly in Nintendo's slow periods, like late 2008 and 2009). 

Both Nintendo and Sony stand head and shoulders above any other publisher, in my opinion, and that is the main reason I'm a big fan of both today.