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I actually use to love my playstations almost as much as my Nintendos. The PS1 I got for Crash Bandicoot and Spryo the dragon. The JRPG scene was great too as this was when I loved almost anything JRPG's came out with.  I enjoyed MediEvil. I also had a lot of the cheap racing games. I say cheap because i only paid $20 sometimes less for them (including Dukes of Hazzard).

During the PS2 years I actually started falling out of love with Sony. They no longer made Crash and Spryo and the games that did come out with those names where horrible. I really wish somone would just make Crash in the same style from the first ones. FF10 While good I found to be a disappointment overall. I hated FF12. I still had a lot of JRPG's and racing games and some of the platformers, but Looking at my Sony published games I guess I was disappointed overall.  I never liked the GTA games. God of War was ok but i never replayed them. Actually I hardly replayed any of my PS2 games compared to how I useually am. Even though I had a lot less games for my GameCube i differently played it a hell of a lot more.

Coming in to this Gen I wasnt sure if I was going to buy any Home consoles. I was losing interest in the way games had been going and was playing a lot of my older systems. While I still enjoy my JRPG's it is not near as much as it once was. 5-6 of them is enough for me a gen on a home console. PS3 I knew wouldnt do it for me anymore unless they changed up some of thier direction. Xbox360 had/has zero exclusives im interested in. I was actually not sure what to think about the Wii at first. I didnt get mine till 2008.

In the end I still respect the work that Sony comes out with but it is no longer for me. Im not really sure if im considered a fan of thiers anymore or not. However, I still enjoy my PS1 and PS2 and probably will for a long time to come. Even if they get less and less playtime.