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kvh22000 -

Exactly what games are you dying to play on your X360 from your Xbox that still do not work? MS has 400-ish titles that now work on the X360.

Secondly, only an idiot would ever assume a HD-DVD-ready Xbox 360 would play games. You cannot do a revision that huge (essentially changing the entire product). It'd be like SegaCD/32x but worse.

Thirdly, if they would do a HD-DVD option for multi-disk games, how would that be stupid? It would give addopters of that SKU X360 to atleast get some gaming value out of the system. It'd be the best of both worlds - old DVD-capible X360 owners get all the games, but the HD-DVD-equipped X360 owners get to have 1 HD-DVD for games like LO and BD. I don't see how that's inherantly bad for either side?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.