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The Wii still has something that the PS360 consoles can't do. The Wii has lower budget costs, it doesn't take such a large investment to make a Wii game. This is why games like Conduit 2 are still Wii only, and why The Grinder is staying an FPS on Wii. The fact is making games for the Xbox or Playstation 3 is expensive about three times the cost. When comparing that to the Wii's costs it will always remain profitable to produce on the Wii. For households this means that they will continue to buy Wiis to get ahold of this exclusive software only found on Nintendo's system. PS360 fans can go to hell, Nintendo took your so called mighty consoles by surprise and now your forced to reimage your systems.

EDIT: This post has been moderated. -d1

Playstation 3 - Does what Everyone Else does.

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