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Also, his laywer may have spoken too soon about "them admitting there was no rape".

The new arrest warrant very clearly states "rape" as one of the charges.

But seriously... lets get back on topic unless you actually have somehing new to say... the whole circle debating game where someone says something, I point out the problem with it, and there respone is to continue into a loop where they ignore the comment is gtting old.


The Jet fighting leak is some intersting gamesmanship.  Which is espiecally intersting considering the US complainging about how Europe was artificially boosting up their airlines.

It's not surprising... but it's unknown and something actually worth leaking.

People are ignoring the fact that I think things should be leaked... I just think things like "I the ambassador think sarkozy is an over arrogant douche who has no real power" is something that shouldn't be leaked, because it's at best pointless and at worst, is just harmful to international politics.

I mean what, an ambassador can't give a fair impression about someone?