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KungKras said:
Kasz216 said:
KungKras said:
Kasz216 said:
KungKras said:
MDMAniac said:

Soleron said:

And we'd save a ton of money. All the defence companies could go too.

You must be stupid. The existence and performance of military-industrial complex is exactly one of the main reasons why America became superpower and took big win from WWII. It makes sense other countries getting rid of such companies there, only american weapons are supreme anyways and it can sell more this way. But American complex should remain, it's huge deal of the whole economics. What you said makes no sense.

Wait what?

The best infantry weapon of all time (and to this day the most reliable and easy to produce) is the Russian AK 47.

The best tank is either the american Abrams or the German Leopard II (If I had an army, I would have used the Leopard II).

A few decades ago, the best fighter jet in the world was the Swedish JAS Gripen.

What do you mean by american weapons being supreme?

AK46 the best infantry weapon of all time?  Seriously?

I don't know anybody that actually fires guns who believes that.

From all accounts they are inaccurate as hell.

They are not the most accurate, but they are reliable (It's not for nothing that people say that an AK 46 will always fire, no matter what you do to it), powerful (in that they can shoot through obstacles well) and they are easy to use and manufacture.

The fact that they are almost as old as WW2 and are a viable alternative to modern weapos proves how extremely good they are.

viable alternative doesn't = best... i mean have you seen some of the crazy stuff out there...

By the way, when it comes to fighters.   The current US "Ace in the whole" fighters are just ridiculious to the point of where a few could take down ten times other fighters.

I do agree though I don't get the "selling the best weapons" part.  I mean, the US pretty much never sells it's best weapons.   They usually just sell their surplus and they always keep their "aces" close to their vest unless they can get something REALLY valuable diplomatically out of it.

My point was that the US doesn't always make the best weapos. At certain points in time, other countries have made, and are still making better weapons in certain areas. AK 47 is the best infantry weapon of all time if you take 'all time' into account, it's had the longest life of any weapon ever, and it's still going strong, many other modern guns won't ever come close to its reliability and production life.

I mentioned these few examples becasue I disliked how MDMAniac said "only american weapos are supreme anyways" like the US always make the best stuff, when that doesn't nessecarily have to be true (Even though the US makes insanely good military hardware)

Nah, if your taking best infantry weapon of all tiem into account... I'd argue for the Shortsword.