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shio said:
Kasz216 said:
sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:

So, you find is suspious that two women have similiar stories of being assaulted by teh same man....

But you don't find it at all strange that the condom split one day when the first woman said no to having sex... and that he specifically didn't wear a condom another time, and didn't tell her?


I guess those 3 women who all "passed out" when the same guy got them a drink are in a grand conspiracy against him.

Also, you're not really putting the condom splitting thing on him, right? I mean sex with a broken condom is just as pleasureble as sex with an intact condom. What could he gain from that? Plus condoms break sometimes. Does it sound that far fetched?

As for the second one, where eactly did it say the he didn't tell her? It says she said "No sex without condoms". The had sex with a condom, and then sex without a condom the following morning. It doesn't say that he decieved her (they most likely just woke up, decided to have some morning sex, and forgot all about the condom), and the woman had no problem going out and buying the guy breakfast, so she obviosuly wasn't too upset abot the "rape" at that time.

Then those girls met and decided to sue the guy by taking advantage of Swedish laws, and to bring attention to themselves.

Honestly, I see no rapes having taken place, and your comparison reminds me of when homophobes compare homosexuality to padophilia. Totally not the same thing amigo.

Sex without consent is where they say so.  And yes, the first one very well could be put on him depending how much it split based on the allegations you would think SPLIT.


As for the bolded... go actually read something about rape victims.  The homophobe comment is pretty apt though... because you are acting like one.  

One day, you will be very ashamed of yourself.


And you know... i've still directly proven your logic wrong on "what is and what isn't" rape.

wtf is wrong with you?! Both of the women had consented sex DESPITE the no condom! Both women claimed he didn't rape them. The police say he didn't rape them. NO ONE IS SAYING HE RAPED THEM!!!

One of the women even threw a party for him the day after, and even continued having a relationship with him! She even bought him breakfast. And guess what, the women is a feminist with strong political ties, and even for a political party I believe.... the exact kind of person that would try to defamate a man for such idiotic things.

Both women only attacked Assange AFTER they met each other!

Tell me, why would a feminist, with a strong enough personality to to boast about having sex with men, strong enought to be involved politically, strong enough to throw a party for him, to buy him a breakfast, etc... I don't understand your thought process.

No they didn't.  They didn't consent to sex without the condem.

Legally it's considered "consentual" because not every country as "rape by deception" laws.

For example, if you pretend to be your twin brother and sleep with his wife and she finds out later... legally in a lot of places "she consented."

Did you ever think, maybe she believed "the condom broke" story until she met the second woman and she mentioned about how he lied about having sex with a condom?
  (You know, like if you believe a guy who asks for change that he needs 2 bucks for a bus, until you talk to a couple other people who say the same guy got 2 bucks from both of them?)

Then they confronted him, asked him to take an STD test and he refused?


Also, why would a femnist.  Keep in mind... feminists are liberals want to get the Wikileaks guy in trouble?

That would be like George W Bush making false accusations to get Karl Rove.



As the comments say



"I think you should rethink your view about whether removing a condom without partner consent should constitute a valid form of "statutory rape" or is merely the behavior of a cad.

In Hong Kong it is a form of rape and probably for good reasons from the perspective of a working girl. "