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sapphi_snake said:
Kasz216 said:

It's exactly what I said?

You know, outside of the "blaming the victim she can't be upset because she bought food" slanted tripe.

Futhermore, it still doesn't get you out of the logical fallacy you admitted above but couldn't argue your way out of...

which you basically proved by bringing it up after "dropping it because you didn't want to get further off topic."

I guess what you meant was "i'm dropping it because I have no defense.'

Two women told him to use a condom, and in one case he claimed it broke, and in the other case he didn't use a condom.  How doesn't show a patter of blantantly disregardly women's wishes?

Sounds like he has a LOT of questions to answer.


In plenty of cases a husband can rape his wife and it's not considered rape.  Doesn't mean it's not rape.

The women consented to having sex with him. In one case the condom broke, and that couldn't possibly be considered his fault (what pleasure could he possible get from having sex with a broken condom?), and in the other case the woman requested he wear a condom, he didn't want to, yet the woman had sex with him anyway, and she was not forced to do so.

Even the prosecuttor admitted that the sex act were consensual, and that there was not even any deceit invloved.

Ultimately these women are suing him because he had sex with them and they can ue him. They aren't victims of anythin, and tehy're taking advantage of stupid laws meant to discourage men from not wearing condoms.

You can ignore facts all you want (I've noticed you do that), but these women are in no way rape victims.

So, you find is suspious that two women have similiar stories of being assaulted by teh same man....

But you don't find it at all strange that the condom split one day when the first woman said no to having sex... and that he specifically didn't wear a condom another time, and didn't tell her?


I guess those 3 women who all "passed out" when the same guy got them a drink are in a grand conspiracy against him.

As you stated earlier in this thread (Proving my point for me) someone can legally pretend to be their twin, trick thei brother's girlfriend into sleeping with them... and it's legally not considered rape... because she "consented".

It is still rape.