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I was guessing 1.75m to 2.0 mill for first week so it did pretty much what I was expecting.  As I have said all along, this gen of gaming is all about the FPS (shooters in general) games.    And racing, platforming and a lot of other types of games simply don't sell like they used to or even should, this is why I estimated GT's sales to be 6-7 million lifetime and a lot of people laughed at me.  I still think GT5 will do those numbers if its bundled heavily, but if it isn't it may only do 5million.


I guess we will get a really good idea of what it will do in a week or 2.  We will have an idea of the games legs, but I am not holding out a lot of hope for it doing any more than 7 million.  And a lot of people who had those idiotic estimates of 10-20million will be eating wheel barrels full of crow which is unfortunate because I like GT5 and have owned all but a couple of the GTp games.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!