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Lostplanet22 said:
Kasz216 said:
Lostplanet22 said:

Yeah a sex crime against his ex-gf?  Anyway sex crimes are so handy, if you want to fuck up someone/ a company or want to know someone's location badly....Just accuse them for a sex crime ....You need no proof..   Not saying he is innoncent though..

I was going through wikileaks history their is some nice stuff ..



On 7 April 2008, WikiLeaks reported receiving a letter (dated 27 March) from the Religious Technology Centre claiming ownership of several recently leaked documents pertaining to OT Levels within the Church of Scientology. These same documents were at the center of a 1994 scandal. The email stated:“ The Advanced Technology materials are unpublished, copyrighted works. Please be advised that your customer's action in this regard violates United States copyright law. Accordingly, we ask for your help in removing these works immediately from your service.

– Moxon and Kobrin[132] ”

The letter continued on to request the release of the logs of the uploader, which would remove their anonymity. WikiLeaks responded with a statement released on Wikinews stating: "in response to the attempted suppression, Wikileaks will release several thousand additional pages of Scientology material next week",[133] and did so.

Because ex girlfriends have never been abused and raped.  I mean, girlfriends can't be sexually abused right?  They chose to date the person?

Seriously.  Grow up.

No, in fact the most cases of rape and sex abuse are during relationships but also in most cases it ends up an act of revenge....something that is normal for the rich and/or the famous... Two people break up...five years later the guy became famous/rich while she is still an Clean lady, office worker etc....She feels like a failure and feels life is not fair..Then accuse him for a sex crime;..  Pay me some money or I make it public.....Either way she will have her revenge...  That's why I wrote   Yeah a sex crime against his ex-gf?    She had to accusse him immediately, how longer you wait how less people will believe you especially when he became famous;.and that in a combination with an search by interpol and the fact that he may not have a lawyer when he get caught says a lot...

Interpol searchs him for a sex crime, when they found him he may not have a lawyer....Yeah that says a lot to me..

3 days isn't "immediatly" for you?

Besides, again... i'd suggest reading up on the psychology of rape... it can take months before some women are even willing to admit to herself she's been raped.