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There's just a week to go until Golden Sun: Dark Dawn is released in the UK but developer Hiroyuki Takahashi is already talking about the company's first game on 3DS.

However, Takahashi refused to let fans know what he's working on. "I'm afraid I can't go into detail at this time, but the features of Nintendo 3DS are really exciting to me as a developer," he told IGN. "I'm really excited to challenge myself and create something for it."

But what sort of game would it be? Camelot was originally an RPG-specialised developer but since then, the company has also created We Love Golf for Wii and Mario sports games, such asMario Power Tennis.

Whatever it is, don't expect anything to happen soon. It has taken the company two years to create Golden Sun: Dark Dawn after all.

In the meantime, let us know what sort of game would you prefer? A Mario sports game or a new Golden Sun?



While I would far prefer it to be an RPG such as Golden Sun 3DS, I think that a Mario Golf or Tennis 3DS title is far more likely