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Kasz216 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
ramses01 said:
Rath said:

A flat tax is basically 'lets fuck the poor so the rich get richer'. It's obvious that the poor can't afford to have as much of their income taxed as the rich can. A flat tax is not a 'fair' tax, it's a blatantly unfair tax when you consider quality of life, it essentially means that the rich will be able to live a better quality of life than the good one they currently have and the poor will be able to live a worse quality of life than the poor one they currently have. Because widening the wealth gap is what everyone wants right?

Also relying on charity doesn't work. Charity is nice, but it's not thorough.


Finally the 'trickle down' effect is complete rubbish, it doesn't trickle down, it just pools at the top.

This is complete and utter nonesense.  The flat tax is the only fair tax.  If you want to have segmented tax rates, then the poor should pay a HIGHER tax rate than the rich as they consume a disportionate amount of the services.  If the poor can't afford the taxes then they should get better jobs, it is as simple as that.

Who has more to gain from funding a military that protects America's oil and trade interests?  The poor or the rich?

Who has more to gain from funding roads and bridges to ensure the safe delivery of goods across the country?  The poor or the rich?

Who has more to gain from funding education and health care so they can have an educated healthy pool of workers to hire from?  The poor or the rich?

Who has more to gain from funding the bailout?  The poor or the rich assholes on Wall Street that got us into this mess?

etc. etc. etc.

Rich people get more out of America (or any stable government and economy for that matter), so they should put more back in.

Based on that logic we need to start taxing outside buisnesses.

Afterall, a buisness in China that sells stuff here benfits just as much... if not more so. (What with the no taxes.)

Agreed 100%. US and European corporations conducting business in China are doing so expressly and purely to avoid paying higher wages, to avoid child labor laws, to avoid 40 hour work weeks, to avoid paying workman's comp, to avoid paying benefits, and to avoid paying any taxes on their goods.

What we get are cheaper consumer goods at the cost of tens of millions living wage skilled manufacturing jobs. The trade-off is not fair because everyone suffers except the wealthy. The public sector suffers because that skilled manufacturing tax base has just been moved overseas to places like India, the Philippines, or China. Future generations suffer because their choice after high school is either: 1. Spend tens of thousands in higher education to get a degree which does not guarantee a job with a living wage, 2. Take a low pay service sector job, 3. Join the military, or 4. Start a small business with a 70% chance your small business will fail in 5 years. The remaining workers suffer because they are expected to work the equivalent of 3 jobs. Finally, the retired suffer because their pension is jeopardized with less domestic workers paying into the pension fund.

Anyone who argues "comparative advantage" is just rationalizing like a politician who has been caught taking a briefcase full of money from a lobbyist. In my first paragraph, I have already destroyed this argument.

If I was the President of the United States, here is how I would handle big business and free trade. If you as a company elect to manufacture overseas, then you have to give me a 5 years of research why the Chinese or Indians are genetically superior in creating a widget. If you do this, then every single foreign made good sold in the US will be hit with a 50% tariff based on the retail price. For example, if you are selling a video game at $60, then you have to pay $30 to the US Government.

In turn, the tariff money will be allocated to a new governmental agency called "Made in USA," which will then use the tariff funds as grants to your competitors and any small business needing financial help.

Free trade as I see it is called screwing the developed nation worker.