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NYANKS said:
Zucas said:

Well I'm not really sure how to post videos and all that but I'm sure people can look it up if they are curious.  Really to me, most of the entire American Idiot album from Green Day has some deep meaning to me personally, but the 13th and final song on the album, Whatsername, has always resonated with me the most.  Guess it is meant to make you think about a past someone in your life that was special or important and really think what happened to them.  From that same album, Wake Me Up When September Ends, is just a song that always makes me sad.  And it is a sad song haha.  Whenever I listen to it just brings me down haha.  

Fin by Anberlin from the album Cities is also another song that really has some importance to me.  About the lead singer's struggle with religion and god and it is something I was able to relate to.  Although we came to different answers, it was easy to see how answering those questions can lead to internal turmoil and external conflict.  Very well written song too, but long.  


Guess I'll stop right there haha.  Sorry just don't know how to do all the embedding stuff and not sure if I would be putting up legal videos.  But as you can see I love music.  Don't know what I would do without music.  Not just beautiful sounds but things that have deeper meanings as a whole and to me personally.  

Green Day! I LOVE American Idiot, I was definitely going to put one of the songs from that album up eventually.    That album has some memories attached too.  Thanks for the descriptions man!

Oh, and for videos.  When you post, you know where all the buttons to change text are, like the underline button and such?  In the last line of buttons, one of the icons look like a video or film reel.  That's the one.  Just click that and copy the youtube link into the line that says URL.  Then just click insert and VOILA.  It's really straightforward. 

Yea the American Idiot album is just wonderful.  Could probably insert the entire album and what it means to me but that would be a lot of writing.  LIke 21st Century Breakdown as well.  Just a great band.

Oh ok thanks for explaining.  Here's Wake Me Up when September Ends by Green Day: