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SpartenOmega117 said:
themanwithnoname said:

Yeah, this doesn't reek of typical FIFA corruption at all. I don't understand how anybody can take these guys seriously.

Russia's ok, but England's better. It's ridiculous England hasn't hosted more World Cups.

Qatar? I'm sorry, but are you freaking kidding me? All their stadiums need to be built and will never be used at all afterward. I look forward to Tajikistan hosting in 2026; they have about as much business hosting it as Qatar.

EDIT: Did someone seriously suggest the Russian police should patrol the stadiums? LOL

In case you haven't noticed Qatar is the 2nd richest country in the world behind Lichenstein. That have 12 years to make a state of the art stadium. You don't think they can do it?

All of you hating on Qatar really need to calm down. If anything hosting in the Middle East is a good thing. When many people think of the Middle East, they think about afghanistan, iraq, etc. I guess its finally time for people to see how loaded with money the middle east is and how awesome the cities and technology are. That aside i would have a preferred the world cup to be in UAE over Qatar.

That's great, why don't we make it 2026 in Lichtenstein, that sounds like a wonderful idea.

You've missed the point entirely. It's a matter of relevance, not a matter of wealth. What relevance does Qatar have on the world stage? What relevance does Qatar have on the football stage? Looking at Brazil in 2014 and Qatar in 2022, it's an absolutely laughable comparison. FIFA apparently now must like punishing nations where football is actually, you know, popular. I never "hated on Qatar," but Qatar has no relevance on the world or football stage and the fact that they're a wealthy nation makes it more likely that a backdoor deal was hatched out before hand.

themanwithnoname's law: As an America's sales or NPD thread grows longer, the probabilty of the comment "America = World" [sarcasticly] being made approaches 1.