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Welp, finally got my beloved DKC in the mail, and have spent a godo 4 hours playing it so far tonight. Right now I am midway through world 3 with nearly all the Kong letters collected to that point, but still have some work to do with those puzzle pieces, some of those are tricky! I'll probably go back after I beat the game and wax those off, right now I'm cool with just the Kong letter as those are easier. I'll probably make a topic with more in depth impressions once I get some multiplayer in and get deeper into the game, but so far.. WOW is this fun! I am greatly impressed and relieved at how great this game is. Great feel of nostalgia yet plenty of new concepts as well that make the game feel fresh.

Controls are tight, fluid, and responsive, even moreso than NSMB Wii, which tends to feel a bit more like walking on ice, and takes longer for Mario to gain momentum and speed. Levels often provide plenty of challenge to keep you playing again and get your money's worth, but not enough to really frusterate. Minecart levels are a blast.. The game just feels like genuine Donkey Kong Country, and really captures the spirit of Rare's masterpieces. It is dare I say even better than DKC 3, though doesn't fully reach the magic of the first 2 (yet then again what does?) A few frusterating aspects like the constant need to shake the remote, and a few overly difficult obstacles that practically require luck, at least on the first go round. But the positives FAR outweigh the negatives. This is easilly one of my favorite Wii game, contested only by NSMB, SSBB, and Mario Kart.

Oh, and on a minor note, I also just got Plants vs Zombies for my Iphone. It's a surprisingly fun tower defense game that provides lots of content and fun for merely 3 bucks. It is also for the XLBA but I'd reccomend it for Iphone if you have the means, as it is quicker and easier to simply tap the screen than to scroll around with a joystick, not to mention it is cheaper. I think I'm just a sucker for tower defense games, but I am having a blast with this so far. Between this and Peggle, Pop Cap games really knows how to make addicting and content-filled Iphone games.