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What's with the hating on the guy. He says Kinect is superior, but the PSEye can fake it well enough to give people an equivalent experience:

""Kinect can sense the distance to an object whereas the [PlayStation] Eye ... we have to do vision algorithms to get that," he explained. "So something like Kung Fu Live, so that does background subtraction, so Kinect again gets that for free whereas with the Eye we have to do some algorithms. It's always more robust when you get it in the hardware but the reality is we can still do a lot of these features with just the Eye and if the users are happy with both then we're equivalent in that sense."

Different paths to a similar end is what he's saying from the camera perspective.

I think on the whole controller vs controllerless thing he's right about the precision of motion detection, which gives Move more scope to pick up and respond to subtle variations in movements and give different outputs depending on the desired sensitivity in the game. So in that regard it's better to have more information and not use it. It's a bit like the difference between the amount of information the Wii has to work with between Wiimote and Wiimotion plus.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix