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Metallicube said:

Hmm, if Move REALLY sold that many units in so short a time, that that clearly means that the device is selling primarilly to current PS3 owners (since PS3 sales have not significantly risen), which is exactly what I expected, but probably not what Sony wanted. Sony wants new gamers that would have otherwise bought a Wii, which I don't see happening. The best that will likely happen for Sony is, as Malstrom said, keeping the CURRENT PS3 owners on that console and dissuading them from going out and buying a Wii.

If Sony really wants NEW consumers on their consoles, they need the device AND the console much cheaper, not to mention far more games that these new consumers would like. Right now the price is far too high to jump on board, and there are far too few games in general on the device, let alone games that the expanded audience would want.

Wait but didn't the article say 3/4 of the things sold were bundles?

EDIT: I thought that meant console bundles only, my bad.