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mundus6 said:
huaxiong90 said:
Salem said:

Their argument is based on software exclusives, which in itself is flawed, but id like to point out that microsoft usually doesn't reveal their exclusives untill a few months of their release.

Well, aside from Kinect titles, we knew what Xbox 360 exclusives were coming in 2010 before this year.

Not saying that the future looks bright for non Kinect Xbox 360 exclusives. Gears 2 was announced like 6 months before release, so they probably have at least 1 ace up there sleave for 2011, plus that Crytek game most likely comes in 2011. That said, Sony will most likely announce UC3, which imo weighs higher than any unnanouced 360 exclusive, except for a new Halo.

To be honest, give me PGR5 and a new core IP with potential for 2011, and I'm set on the core Xbox 360 side.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!