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Metallicube said:
NYANKS said:
Juma009 said:

A video game console is an interactive entertainment computer or modified computer system that produces a video display signal which can be used with a display device (a television, monitor, etc.) to display a video game. The term "video game console" is used to distinguish a machine designed for consumers to buy and use solely for playing video games from a personal computer,

I think that is pretty clear, Besides why are people hatin' on the DS, It's awesome It's the only system still supporting JRPGS, enough for me to buy it for me and any kid in my family. I loved the PS2 but records are meant to be broken. why not be glad for Nintendo the only "real" videogame-only dedicated company, not some multimedia giants trying to get a piece of the pie.

Stop posting the definition, Jesus.  Read the thread. The problem with the definition is no one refers to handhelds as handheld consoles.  That's why some balk at this.  It is a console in reality by definition.  However,  The REAL ISSUE has been covered by me and Rol starting on page 9. I suggest people go read it before posting this damn definiton for the umpteenth time.   

But... that's what they ARE


That fact that this is even being debated in the first place is hillarious to me and shows unshakable bias some have against Nintendo.

"DS is about to become the best selling console"

"Well... That doesn't really count!!!1 Because blah blah blah blah"

Maybe PS3 shouldn't be counted since it comes with a Blu Ray player :/

Did you even read two sentences further?  I say exactly this.  However, the issues with comparing don't stem from a simple word, it stems from basic attributes of handheld consoles and home consoles.  Perhaps you should examine further.