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mundus6 said:
adsl said:

In 2011, for the 3 consoles I can't see any killer game to move millions of consoles, like NSMB Wii did last year, so the gap will increase or decrease based mainly on price drops.

Gears 3

Gears of War is the one of the biggest exclusives franchisees onthe XBox and I'm sure Gears 3 will increase consoles sales. However, I don't it expect move 1 million consoles, maybe it can move 250k units because we already have another 2 Gears released for the the XBox. I'm using Halo Reach sales to make my prediction, it increased 360 sales but not at the same level of Halo 3 so I think we can apply the same rule to say that Gears 3 help the XBox, but not a lot.