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Your entirely wrong, facher.

Microsoft doesn't have a "world domination" tactic when it comes to software production - their tactic is vastly more Sony-esque, of enticing 3rd parties, than doing it themselves.

Because of that, Microsoft cannot garner Japanese sales without Japanese games. MS has had an easy time garnering huge sales in the West (atleast comparatively to other startups).

Facher - go check what systems Western developers have published on in the past 3 years, and what systems they're on the next few years. Just about every single one of them are either X360 via multi-plat, or X360 exclusive. Nintendo is Eastern, and a 1rd party.

Go look at Valve, EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Bethsada, Atari, Midway, Rockstar, and such. How many Playstation 3 exclusives have been announced from any semi-major Western developer?

And mind you, I'm reffering to 3rd party devs, not 1st party developers, facher.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.