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darthdevidem01 said:

A quick google search gets us threads with gamers saying how underrated FFXIII is too. And several sites listing it as one of the under-appreciated games this year and favourite games of 2010 lists:

The argument I was having with him was of how it was actually possible for people to love the game....your changing the scope of that sentence.

No-one I know believes this to be true, most see FFXIII as one of the best, one or two see it as one of the lesser best.

Doesn't explain legs up to 3 times better than its predecessor....if the game is "poisoning" people with disappointment sales should have stopped. It should have sold way less than past installments instead of going up the ranks compared to them.

umm  stop trying to be misleading. That's 1-ups list of THEIR favorite 10 games of the year or whatnot. Not a list of unappreciated games. A lot of those game in that list were not only good, but juggernaut sellers. And who cares what 1up believes, they give As out like candy on Halloween night.

The second link is kind of weird. I get Other M and Lords of Shadows because they are selling terribly. But having FFXIII that sold nearly 6 m copies on that list is kinda of out place. Also, If they felt they needed to add that to the list because of online criticism of the game, I  was right about the majority of people hating the game.

So is it underrated, best game ever, best seller ever? Make up your mind here, and stop contradicting yourself.

It's the most disappointing FF of all time, deal with it. You and Boutrous are like the only 2 people who really love it for reasons I cannot begin to understand.

Again, about the sales. Final Fantasy sells, and to put it frankly, the name is the only reason it sold so much.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson