Metallicube said:
Wii sales have been poor the majority of this year because Nintendo has had virtually NO games that appeal to a wide audience and reinvigorate Wii sales. Basically, from Jan - Sep in 2010, the biggest Wii releases were: Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid Other M, both of which were clearly NOT hardware movers. In the recent weeks, this has changed. Remember, software is what drives hardware sales. Sony and MS can throw out all the hardware addons they want, but at the end of the day, the populatiry of the GAMES is what is going to drive hardware sales, and there are no killer aps on those add ons that are pushing hardware. Black Ops is really the only recent hardware mover for the HD consoles. |
would you please list all these new games that has been pushing wii sales the last couple weeks?
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11/20/09 04:25 | makingmusic476 | Warning | Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.) |