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Double-update time for me again!

37. Actraiser (SNES). People who know me know that I'm not a huge fan of action games. (So don't go looking for its sequel.) And I will say that the action sections in this game are decent. However, it's the simulation with the angel that really stands out. All the hidden stuff, the extra story pulls, and the way that you have to help places work together to maximize everything. (Oh, and earthquaking places to get rid of older houses is fun also...)

36. Earthbound (SNES). Another Super Nintendo game. And it has enough fans here that I don't need to say much. It's fun, quirky, and it handles enemies so much better on the overworld map. Alas, it's a tad easy, else it'd be much higher on my list.


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...