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My 2 cents:

Been playing GT5 for some hours on a 37" Samsung. The framerate drops do happen abit, but they're minor really. They're noticeable if you're paying attention, but I dont think they're bad enough to distract a focused driver.

In this case, it all depends on standards really. Some will complain, some won't. Personally, I think it's nothing major. Framerate drops like the ones you see in Black Ops are far more worse/annoying.

As for screen tearing, it's there and you can see it but for whatever reason, it doesn't bother me too much. Again, it really depends on standards/tastes. Now if you were dumb enough to believe the game would look as good as it did in the massive barrage of bullshots, then yes, you'll be disappointed. If you used common sense, you'd know a bullshot the second you see it and wouldn't have such high expectations of the game's actual visuals.


There's tons of placebo-effect involved and your mind will probably be playing tricks on you without you even knowing it.

PSN: Parasitic_Link