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They gonna come off like whiny, butt hurt little trolls if GT5 sells >5 million and shows great legs. It might not live up to its predecessors' sales but at over 5 million in sales it would still blow away every other current gen racer that doesn't have Mario in its name...except for GT5P. [Edit] Actually FM2 has sold well (with bundling) and it would be close enough to 5 million not to be in the "blown away" category, but still substantially outsold.

87 Metacritic suggests reviewers aren't thinking it's bland and boring. A bland and boring, yet technically impressive racer would be getting low 70 or less on Metacritic. In fact when it comes to the actual racing on the track the reviewers seem to be almost universal in giving it high praise.

An interesting sales mark, at least according to VGC numbers, is 6.5 million. If GT5 gets to 6.5 million it will have sold more than any other racer except for other GT games and Mario racing games; i.e. better than all current and past gen EA and Codemasters racing games.

Merely because they went and trashed GT5 I hope GT5 gets to that 6.5 million mark (and beyond) just so some decent crow can be served upon those who wanna trash other peoples hard work. I really hope the folks at PD rise above this pettiness and don't respond in kind. Have your revenge where it counts: in the sales charts, but praise Codemaster's and EA's efforts because it costs you nothing to praise other people's work, it won't even cost GT any sales to give priase to other racing games.

The racing genre has suffered somewhat this gen. It would have been nice if racer developers would actually support the genre as a whole by trying to bring the love back to racers rather than talk smack about each other's work.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix