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vlad321 said:
RageBot said:
vlad321 said:
RageBot said:
vlad321 said:


Edit: Blizzard has always had "easy to play ahrd to master" games, however SC2 is more or less "easy to play, easy to master" as well, again. I'm terrible in RTS and I can beat more than 75% of the people it seems, the only explanation is that they dumbed it down for all the noobs to play. It's the same as FPS getting slower so all the chobs could keep up with people.

Is this post a joke?

Do you honetsly believe you are a good Starcraft 2 player?
How many games did you play on ladder? What ramk are you in which league?

Do you honestly believe that the fact that SC2 is easier technically than BW makes it a worse competitive game? (In that case, let me introduce you to chess, a game you'll find pathetically easy).

I do agree with what you said about the campaign, lack of chat, LAN, and the shitty Bnet (although the matchmaking is superb), that's just greed.

No, the gameplay is simpler than BW's. I haven't bothered playing online since they changed Platinum into Diamond and shifted everythign else one league up but back then within 2 or so weeks I was playing at the top of the Gold Ladder, as in 1st on today's equivalency of Platinum, and I am absolutely terrible at micro. I also played Random btw, so I had to play zerg as well.

Okay, so let me explain something to you.

I was at the top of my division in platinum, and i'm nothing but an okay player.

You seem to assume that rankings really matter, but they don't, the difference between you/me, and someone who is actually a top player (as in, goung to tournemants etc) is so big, that if we play them, we will never win, maybe once out of 100 tries.

And no, other than the fact that it is technicallty easier, the gameplay is pretty much the same between the two games, maybe even more difficult in SC2 because of different macro options that you need to keep on using (Chrono Boost with Toss, MULE with Terran, Spawn Larva/Spread Creep with Zerg)

That's all good an great, but how do you explain the fact that Micro plays a smaller role in this game? Many many things that would require micro were removed from between BW and SC2, and many things that used micro in SC2 but were somehow deemed overpowered were removed from SC2, i. e. the infestor burrowing and casting. Macro is the easiest thing to train, meanwhile micro isn't even needed in SC2 until the very very top.

That's exactly the kind of things I talked about by the game being easier technically, this way the game isn't about who has the better APM, but who can position his units better, choose the right targets etc etc.
Now if you wanna see some good micro, do yourself a favor and watch the series of GSL games between KyrixZenith and Foxer, it shows you how important Micro is in this game.

Now, macro is easy to learn, but it really is hard to master, knowing exactly how many probes you need, knowing exactly what's the right build-order counter to what BO, never forgetting to expand at the right time, having just enough unit building that you won't waste to many minerals, and won't have too many spare ones, knowing when to upgrade, what to upgrade, knowing all the different timings.

It really seems like you're just angry about Blizzard (and it's justified, don't get me wrong), and ignore SC2 potential as a competitive game (and you really shouldn't).

Bet with Dr.A.Peter.Nintendo that Super Mario Galaxy 2 won't sell 15 million copies up to six months after it's release, the winner will get Avatar control for a week and signature control for a month.