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Sky Render said:
Your logic's a little flawed there, MrMafoo. See, there's most certainly a portion of the market (myself included in it) that is not interested in either PS3 or 360, but is interested in the sorts of games slated for them (high-profile RPGs, in my case). It takes more than games to sell a console, though that does help a lot. For me, I don't want either PS3 or 360 at this point because the games I'm interested in aren't out on them (and there aren't enough games I'm interested out on them; I've a 5-wanted-game-minimum requirement when buying a new console), and because I can't afford them at their current price points anyway.

Your post is kind of all over the place. It says it takes more then games to sell a console to you, and then everything else you say (including your sig) state the reason you have a Wii and not the PS3 or 360 is strictly due to games.

Actually, you are proof of my point. You love the kind of games that the Wii has. You can't find 5 must have games for the other consoles because of the style of game you love. That's not an insult, it's just the way people are. There are well over 5 "must have" games on both the 360 and PS3 if you are primarily into their market. Its just those kinds of games make you go "cool game, but not worth it"

This argument can also be taken to the PSP vs DS. I would assume most everyone who finds the PSP to be the perfect handheld, would not even play the DS if it was given to them. Same goes for if you owned a DS and someone gave you a PSP. (minus the home-brew options that allow you to play Nintendo games). The libraries are so different for those handhelds, there audience rarely overlap. 

Games sell consoles, period. They always have, and they always will. The Wii sells consoles off the backbone of Mario, Zelda, and Metroid. the 360 off the Halo series, and the PS3 for MG, GT, and FF.

If you are someone who is extremely excited about Halo, MG, FF or GT, there is nothing on the Wii that will feed your appetite. You could however buy a 360 or a PS3, and find something that will compensate for the exclusives you're missing from the console you didn't buy. That's why they are at war, and the Wii is in a class by itself, selling like crazy.