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PSM3 Blog Don't seem to happy with it.


We've all waited so long, wondering all the while: what's taking them so long? And now we've played it. Played Gran Turismo 5! And we're thinking... what the hell took them so long?

GT5 is a colossal disappointment. Epic. Global.

GT2 added tons of cars to a genuinely revolutionary original, leaving all other racers floundering. GT3 (eventually) added muscle cars and PS2 visuals. GT4 added the Nurburgring Nordschleife - which consequently became almost a must-have for any serious racing game - and even Prologue added a (pathetically rudimentary) online mode. Increasingly, Gran Turismo has scraped by as an AAA driving game. 

And now this. So far, even after two days of play, I just can't see what GT5 adds. At all. It's just like GT4. Which was for the most part just like GT3. Which was just like GT2, which was just like GT. This once revolutionary game has stood still while the competition at first caught up, then surpassed it. Gran Turismo 5 still wants to party like it's 1999. We don't. 

So what, you say? What's wrong with more of the same? Most sequels do that. It's what we want. 

And in that case, congratulations. You know you'll love this already (you've already played it, after all). After five years of work the useless collision sounds are the same, the useless collisions are the same, the dry lack of speed or acceleration is the same, the environmental sterility is the same, the quagmire of dull shopping cars is the same. Those deathly license tests - so fun and innovative ten years ago - are the same, though at least here they're largely redundant at last.