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Sorry thats just nitpicking, mispelling words and being too lazy to add apostrophes arnt the same thing.

Its also predictable, i already knew someone was gonna mention "oh you said wouldnt when its actually wouldn't, maybe before correcting people you should get it right yourself" that usual routine, happens everytime.

I take you are unaware about VGs history of undertracking PS3 games, ask the others about Uncharted adjusments. 

Man, you sure do alot of assuming, no i knew that already, anyway "you seem to be unaware of..." no i probably already know. Things get undertracked, things get overtracked, but nothing has ever been off by an entire 2 million.

Vgchartz estimated week 1 for MW2 the biggest game of all time pretty early and they were only off by 700,000-800,000 9they overpredicted it)

The estimate for GT5 of 1.8-2.2 million could end up being 2.5 million, maybe they could be really off and it could be 3 million (though thats very very unlikely) but its not gonna end up being 4.5 million they arnt gonna be off by over 2 million.