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Harmonizer Clarifier: INFP


The INFP often lets others get the best of them. The INFP doesn’t believe in ‘rocking the boat’ and that can frustrate friends who wait for the INFP to take action. There is almost nothing the INFP will do in order to avoid conflict.

In a love relationship the INFP feels more than they express. This is a double-edged sword because they never fully explain what bothers them and therefore never really solve a problem. They live by a code that calls for harmony but are often caught in between the desired harmony and the inability to express their frustrations.

If the family is jovial and getting along the INFP is extremely happy but the second things get unpleasant the INFP is out the door.


The INFP will ask, "who am I?" and want a real answer. They work hard and school is a simple operation of applying the hard work, but the question of self is their ultimate question and drives their educational desires.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson